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Tips for Reading When You Don't Like To

As a book blog, we understand that not everyone enjoys reading the same way we do. As a matter of fact, the majority of you probably don't. And that's okay! We all have personal interests and enjoyments. However, allow us to attempt to persuade you to pick up a hard copy (or ebook) and read. Below are some helpful tips to enjoy reading as your new hobby.

Tip #1 Don't Overexpose Your Imagination

If you are interested in reading, don't go for the crazy futuristic/dystopian/fantasty/sci-fi/historic romantic thriller as your first read. Overexposing your imagination like that tires it out. With a tired imagination, you tire of reading. Go for a lighthearted read or one that makes you laugh. Look for authors and books that write and read easily without complicated dialogues or plots.

Tip #2 Don't attempt to Finish a Book if You Don't Like it

Reading shouldn't be a chore. If you find yourself disliking a book, don't continue-- especially if you are new to reading as a hobby. Staying in the race just to see the finish line is great because it shows dedication and diligence. However, reading shouldn't be hard and challenging like your race is. It should be enjoyable. If you don't enjoy it, put it down.

I (Sophia) often give the book 50-100 pages of my time. If I don't like it after 100 pages, I put it down. I learned this book from other readers (:

Tip #3 Find a Book That Fits Your Current Mood

Sometimes, you are on a Harry Potter high and you want to read something mystical and magical with nostalgia and charm. Find a book that fits your mood. Simple google searches like, "Books about or like _____" can easily locate and name books that will fit what you want to read about.

Tip #4 Try to Read in a Quiet Setting

Nothing distracts a person more than a chaotic and disruptive setting. If you attempt to get into a new novel but your surroundings pull at your attention, you won't get far in your book. Read when you want to relax and in a setting where you can do so. Beaches, pools, bedrooms, libraries, parks, your car or any serene and quiet place where you can easily focus on the book and its story are all great settings.

So, what next? Look for books primarily centered around your age. Generally, YA is anywhere from early teens to late twenties. I am still thoroughly enjoying this genre but have started to branch out into the world of Adult. Also, look for books with exciting plots. Don't just read something because it was suggested. Make sure you want to! Last, set aside some time in your day to read. Trust me, it will make a difference. Oh, and bring some coffee!

These of course are my opinions. If you have any other tips or advice for getting into reading, drop a comment below (:

Thanks for listening!


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