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Books That Changed My life

Often times, I think people forget how easy it is to impact others. Specifically, how easy it is to impact others with our words. Growing up, I always loved a good book. Most of the time, they were short and simple with easy to grasp plots, vague characters, and few life lessons. However, some books stood out among the others, and I would like to share them with you. Below are the fictional books that changed my life.

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

It seems silly to start with such a lighthearted read, but let me give you some context

because as one of my teachers used to say, "context is key." I was just starting to get into reading when my mom visited our local, "librarian free" library and brought back Riordan's first installment to the Heroes of Olympus, The Lost Hero and the rest is history. I read The Heroes of Olympus series first and then after consuming every word, I instantly read the Percy Jackson series and became obsessed. The reason, if you can't tell already, this book changed my life is because it lead me into the world of reading that I was only beginning to grasp. Furthermore, the Heroes of Olympus made me feel like I was important. Like I was one of the Seven (if you know, you know). I'm happy to say I own a copy and I look forward to being able to share it. If by chance you feel led to donate, I do need books 2-4 (:

A Map of the Known World by Lisa Ann Sandell

If you surveyed the infamous book community online, I bet very few have read this book. But just because it isn't widely known, doesn't mean its story isn't important.

For me, Cora Bradley was exactly who I needed in my young teenage life. A Map of the Known World is a story about a severe loss of a brother. It's a story about wanting to escape a small town. It's a story about a hurting family. It's a story about first love. It's a story that changed me. The copy I own has been with me for quite some time, and it shows. However, it rests on my top shelf as one of my most prized possessions. People often ask, if the house was burning and all of your family was already out and you had a second to grab something, what would you bring from the fire? This book is one of my burning house treasures.

Matched by Ally Condie.

Friend: if you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Me: Matched

I don't know what is it specifically. I could probably write a really good book review and persuasive essay for why the Matched trilogy by Ally Condie deserves the title as best fictional YA book ever written.

But sometimes, books are just about how they make you feel. That's Matched for me.

In a society where death is limited, jobs are generated, and marriages are matched, Cassia feels like a bird with clipped wings. When the time for her matching ceremony comes, something is different in her and in her match. Cassia needs to know, is there more to life than what her society is telling her? Is there more out there for her? Enter Ky. What's better than a dystopian romance surrounded by rebellions and corrupt societies? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

The Silenced by James DeVita

I have already discussed this book in the blog, but it I couldn't leave it out of this post because of its impact on me and all the books I read.

The Silenced is a fictional story based loosely off of Sophie Scholl and her White Rose rebellion in Nazi Germany. The main character Marena is living in a world that silences your voice when it speaks against the system. Her world changed when her mother vanished. Now, it is up to Marena to decide if she has the right to remain silent, or to speak.

This book opened my eyes to Historical Fiction and Sophie Scholl. I've read it four times and each time I take away different meanings and messages I hadn't noticed before. That's how you know its important.

Here is a list of notable mentions: The Little Prince, The Age of Innocence, Legend trilogy, and Better Off Friends.

Thanks for listening.

"Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet, and a Light unto my path." Psalm 119:105. From the most important book in the world.


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